Young mohandas gandhi biography
Mahatma gandhi death date
Mohandas Gandhi was born on October 2,, at Porbandar, on the western coast of India.
Mahatma gandhi wife name
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, , in Porbandar, a small coastal town in northwest India.
Mahatma gandhi family
Who Was Mahatma Gandhi?
Mahatma gandhi father name
The Gandhi family is the family of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October – 30 January ), commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi; Mahatma meaning "high souled" or "venerable" in Sanskrit; [1] the particular term 'Mahatma' was accorded Mohandas Gandhi for the first time while he was still in South Africa, and not commonly heard as titular for any other civil figure even of similarly.