Niels bohr biography resumen en english
Niels bohr atomic model
Niels Henrik David Bohr (7 October – 18 November ) was a Danish theoretical physicist who made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in Bohr was also a philosopher and a promoter of scientific See more.
Niels bohr experiment
Niels Bohr (7 October – 18 November ) was a Danish physicist who helped discover quantum physics, the structure of the atom, and the atomic bomb.
Niels bohr family
Niels Bohr was President of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, of the Danish Cancer Committee, and Chairman of the Danish Atomic Energy g: resumen.
Niels bohr death
Niels Bohr (Niels Bohr) is one of the most important scientists of modern physics, known for his important contributions to quantum theory and the Nobel Prize for the study of atomic Missing: resumen.