Korney chukovsky wikipedia
Korney chukovsky poems
Doctor Aybolit (Russian: Доктор Айболит, Doktor Aibolit) is a fictional character from the children's poems Aybolit () and Barmaley () by Korney Chukovsky, as well as from .
Moydodyr (Russian: Мойдоды́р) is a fairy tale poem for children by Korney Chukovsky about a magical creature by the same name.
Korney homunculus death
The Giant Cockroach or The Roach (as translated by Miriam Morton, [1]) or Cock-The-Roach (as translated by Tom Botting, [2]), also popularly known by its Russian name .
Korney aleev
"Crocodile" (Russian: Крокодил) is a fairy tale poem for children by Korney Chukovsky about a crocodile strolling along the streets of Petrograd (the contemporary name of St. .